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The Primitive Intelligence Podcast, hosted by Kurt Zitzelman and Rocco James, is a thought-provoking podcast that delves into a wide range of topics. With each episode, we aim to expand your thinking and challenge conventional ideas. Through thought-provoking discussions and in-depth interviews, we cover a diverse array of subjects that span across various fields, including philosophy, science, psychology, technology, paranormal and more.


Since the last update the website has been completely redesigned. The new web hosting is working like a dream... what a change from what I had before. Here is the current state of things:


  • The podcast will remain hosted at Spotify: This takes a ton of work off my hands, they handle all the backend like the RSS feed, disturbuting to other services and, of course, hosting the files. You can still listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podcast Addict or with the podcast player of your choice with the RSS feed as well as on Spotify.

  • YouTube videos: The podcast is also avilable on YouTube beginning with Season 4: Conspiracy! as on right now. You may notice one episode missing from YT... more about that in Season 5.

  • Season 5: With all the craziness going on in the world right now I have a lot of content for Season 5. Stay tuned for it's release.

